Standalone Novels

Christmas Pie
Unlike most girls her age, Polly MacNamara did not go out with friends to parties or on sleigh rides with charming beaux. She stayed home to take care of her ailing mother and only dreamed of a world of boundless riches and endless fun. But when shopping for a Christmas gift in Chinatown, she received a mysterious coin from an ancient-looking woman--and watched a series of remarkable events unfold.
Gabriel's Fate
Railroading across the burnt brown landscape of a Southwest summer, fortune-teller Sophie Madrigal told the fortunes of anyone cur8ious enough to pass the velvet curtain of her makeshift parlor -- and Gabriel Caine was just such a man. The black-clad bounty hunter was on the hunt for a murderer, and nothing would stop him from bagging his prize. So when the gorgeous Gabriel laughingly offered his palm, Sophie felt compelled to reveal everything . . . or almost everything.
Heaven Sent (Audio Book)
Callida Prophet never would have suspected that her stubborn, sullen employer had such a tender way with words. He certainly doesn't show much affection toward beautiful six-year-old Becky, Callida's charge and his only child. But in the love letters he wrote years ago - which Becky finds and asks Callida to read to her - he is a completely different man. Poetic. Passionate. Utterly devoted. And suddenly, Callida sees this moody, mysterious widower with new, more loving eyes.

My WIld Irish Rose
When comely lass Rose Larkin sets sail from New York to Ireland with her eccentric aunt Kate, she is determined to live as a free-spirited adventuress. After all, Aunt Kate advised her to live life to the fullest -- without a stodgy husband weighing her down -- even though Rose would honestly prefer a quiet house in the country with a loving husband and lots of children. Then she meets the rakishly handsome Irishmen Cullen O'Banyon. He seems the sort of man who would fancy an adventurous girl -- just like Rose is supposed to be.

One Bright Morning (Audiobook)
Young widow Maggie Bright had her hands full raising a baby daughter and running a farm with no one to help her except her lazy drunk of a hired hand. The last thing she needed was a bullet-riddled, half-dead stranger riding into her front yard.
As she nursed Jubal Green back to life, Maggie found him by turns enchanting, stubborn, caring and handsome as sin - but most of all, dangerous. For the dire circumstances that had brought Jubal to Maggie's door were also likely to jeopardize the peace they had begun to find in each other's arms.
Phoebe's Valentine
Jack Valentine and Phoebe Honeycutt hate each other on sight when they run into one another by accident on the vast Texas plain. To Jack, who fought for four years in the Union Army against the secessionist South, Phoebe is just another worthless, simpering southern belle. Phoebe, whose life in Atlanta was ravaged by the Union Army Jack so admires, considers Jack a particularly despicable member of a species she detests: Yankees.

Secret Hearts
By day she was Claire Montague, prim, demure housekeeper of Partington Place. By dark of night she wrote the wildly popular dime novels that had made frontiersman Tuscaloosa Tom Pardee a household name. Suddenly her new employer, the heir to Partington Place -- and the real-life hero of her novels -- stood before her in the flesh. Claire had transformed Tom Partington into a legend, but never in her wildest dreams had she conjured the real man, who melted her resolve with his blazing blue eyes and knowing smile. With one look, Tom Partington had penetrated Claire's secret, passionate soul.

Sierra Ransom
A rough California gold camp seems an unlikely place for two lonely people running from their pasts to meet. But when Sam Ransom first sees Zenobia Gray taking after a huge, bearded miner with a ladle, then delivering a baby and comfortint a bereaved man, he decides that, while she might be a fussy prude, she's worth emulating.

Texas Lonesome
Six historical western romances that will pull at your heart strings and make you laugh out loud.
Whether they are writing an advice column in the city of San Francisco; housekeeping at a palace while moonlighting as an author; caring for family; spreading lies in New Mexico; reading fortunes in a Southwest summer or working at a California gold camp – these six women won’t stop until they find their true love.

Wild Dreams
This Historical Western Romance Collection are stories of friends stumbling their way through various humorous adventures, but love is ever on the horizon. From a remote town in New Mexico to the vast Texas Plains these fast-paced story lines are action-packed and contain both humor and danger.